![Util's logo](img/util.png)
Lead Frontend Engineer
- Spearheading the frontend team in the development of a new application from inception.
- Utilizing micro frontends for scalability, implementing a custom React application with Typescript.
- Established CI/CD using Github actions, developed a component library with Storybook, and integrated GraphQL for backend API connectivity.
- Proficiently used D3 and Plotly for data visualization.
Tools and Tech: JavaScript, React, Typescript, HTML, Github, Figma, AWS, Micro frontends, Webpack, SCSS, D3, Plotly, GraphQL, Auth0
![Aigenpulse's logo](img/ap.jpg)
Senior Frontend Developer
- Contributed to the Frontend engineering team, maintaining and enhancing features on the React platform.
- Collaborated with multiple feature teams, providing design input using Figma, creating prototypes, and leading Frontend builds for new features.
- Data visualisation using plotly.js
Tools and Tech: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Node, Webpack, Git, GitLab, APIs, JSON, Docker
![Hastings Direct's logo](img/hd.jpg)
Hastings Direct
Frontend Developer
- Managed front-end pages and led projects to enhance website performance.
- Successfully refactored legacy CSS and HTML, eliminated jQuery, and implemented a POC using a headless CMS and React.
- Led the creation of a new Help page using an FAQ API.
Tools and Tech: JavaScript, jQuery, React, HTML, CSS, LESS, SCSS, Node, Webpack, Git, GitHub, APIs, JSON, XML
![The Jamieson Consultancy's logo](img/tjc.jpg)
The Jamieson Consultancy
Frontend Developer/Web Designer
- Promoted to department manager in June 2018, overseeing staff, mentoring, managing budgets, and maintaining internal systems.
- Collaborated with UK-based startups and international clients on a range of projects, including website re-brands, e-commerce, software platforms, and more.
Tools and Tech: PHP, Laravel, Wordpress, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, React, HTML, CSS, LESS, SCSS, Node, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack, Atlassian (JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket), Git, GitHub, Apache, APIs, JSON, XML